Here are Brand New Information+LINK 'bout my Favorite, Respect and Kinda
Sites of Shareware.
Application | Version | Date | Size | Description | Status |
WinZip for Windows 95 | 6.2 Official Release | 10/24/96 | 615 K | 圧縮解凍ツール。The most popular archive manager for Windows. check out the WinZip Home Page. | Shareware $29.00 |
Netscape Navigator Gold | 3.01 Beta 1 | 10/11/96 | 5.8 MB | WWWブラウザー。HTML機能がついたネットスケープ。Has the HTML editing capabilities. You can also download it here, More info available from Netscape Gold Home Page. | Shareware - Free for non-commercial use |
Netscape Navigator | 4.0 Beta1 | 12/23/96 | 5.7 MB | WWWブラウザー。Netscape's newest browser is being improved again! Minimum download version (3.5 MB) available, click here. More info available from Navigator Home Page. | Shareware |
Microsoft Internet Explorer | 3.01 | 10/18/96 | 5.4MB | マイクロソフトのWWWブラウザー。Microsoft's newest browser! Full Install - includes Internet Mail and News, ActiveMovie, and HTML Layout Control. Supports frames, animated GIFs, Javascript, VBScript, ActiveX controls, and now full Java support! Here For more info, check out the MS Internet Explorer Home Page. | Freeware |
CuteFTP | 1.8 | 12/14/96 | 495 K | FTP(ファイル・トランスファー・プロトコル)。ホームページのアップロードに必要。The niftiest FTP client around. CuteFTP is one of very few programs. For more info, check out the CuteFTP Home Page. | Shareware |
RealAudio Player for Windows 95 | 3.0 Official Release | 12/17/96 | 770 K | インターネットをひとっ飛びするオーディオ・ツール。The most popular real time audio app goes 32-bit. Allows you to listen to audio in real time across the internet with no downloading required. For more info and registration, check out the RealAudio Home Page. | 60-Day Demo |
TrueSpeech Plugin | 3.20b | 7/17/96 | 876 K | フルサイズ・ミュージック!! Like RealAudio, allows you to listen to audio in real time with no downloading required. As you would expect, it works best with at least a 28.8 connection. For more info, check out True Speech Internet. | Freeware |
Shockwave Director Plug-in | 5.0 release 9 | 11/24/96 | 2.5 MB | オーディオと3Dグラフィック。A 32-bit Plug-in to play back Macromedia Director files. For more info and registration, check out the Shockwave Home Page. | Freeware |
Streamworks | 2.02 | September, 1996 | 437,119 | オーディオと映像。File Name: swplyr2.exe. A streaming video and audio plugin for netscape that handles mpeg format video and sound with good quality and little or no "skipping" even over a slower connection.. | Freeware |
Connect Time Monitor | 3.0.3 | 12/18/95 | 889 K | 起動付きタイマー。Automatically tracks the time that you are connected to the 'Net. | Freeware |
WebImage | 2.11 | December/96 | 1654K | 画像編集ソフト。使いやすい。 For more info, check out the Group42 Home Page. | Demo $39.95 |
HyperSnap | 2.73 | 9/22/96 | 395 K | スクリーン・ショット。自分のコンピューターの画面を写す。 For more info, please check out the HyperSnap Home Page. | Shareware $20.00 |
HomeSite | 2.5 beta 1a | 12/24/96 | 1.67 MB | This fast and flexible HTMLエディター。ネットスケープとエクスプローラーを使ってモニターできる機能付き。 Stop by our Home Page for details on a version of HomeSite that includes an internal browser. | Shareware $25.00 |
Powermarks | 1.02 Beta 2 | 8/20/96 | 180 KB | パワーマーク。URLを結集する。Powermarks is a bookmark manager with a unique interface that allows users to avoid the entire folder/hierarchy system, yet create, find, and browse even large collections of bookmarks faster and easier. check out the Powermarks Home Page. | Shareware $9.95 |
Opera | 2.09 | 10/21/96 | ?? KB | Opera is an advanced Internet/Intranet Browser for PC.Keyboard Interface, Multiple Windows, Zoom Functions, Customizable user interface, Advanced Multimedia features, Standard and enhanced HTML, Advanced User Interface, A number of features useful for people with a handicap, Opera works very well as a front end for CD-ROMS. The ultimate kiosk, Useful features for Intranet usage. News and email. For more info, check out the Opera Home Page. | Shareware $30.00 |
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