Tokyo is hot, Tonite

Now, Tokyo is kold and We have a little Rock'n'roll news.
Mark Z, the President of Skydog-a historical french punk record company visited Tokyo for a month and was back home last week.
The Blackgrape, Sonic Youth, Bijork had great shows. Sheena & the Rokkets is in some studio in Tokyo for recording their new album

We'll get more informations, sooner or laterer. Please come back about April 1, 1996

If you try some Tokyo Links, you just might find, that you get what you need

Check Tokyo out!!

Blank generation webRichard Hell screamed! Amazing site! taste's so good.
Soft Machine News StandIt's News stand!
Error RecordsI'm so glad, he's a friend of us.
TOKYO ROCKIN'Great naming!
NTT Home Pagelet'em free on the net.
J.O.Y.---Japanese Open YellowpageLet's rock.

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kopyright 1996 Sheena & the Rokkets