Chicago Nights

| My ChicagoNITES | ChicagoKONNECTION | LastMODIFIED @ 97/10/14 13:03:37
The Rolling Stones @ Soldier Field This Photes presented by Bob Gruen.

Crossfire Hurricane
A New Bob Gruen photo book - 25 Years of Rolling Stones
From N.Y. Trash Site
Bob Gruen Interview
Bob Gruen Scrapbook


Stones in Chicago Bridges to Babylon Tour The Loop OutLOOK
B.L.U.E.S. Shun with J.W Williams on Stage with Eddie Shaw
Rosa's Sugar Blue @Rosa's with Sugar and Moto Moto is a great Guitarist
StartingPOINT @Route66 It's not Historic! Shun is GoodDRIVER, too.
@DeliSHOP StartingPOINT @Route66 It's not Histeric! Shun is GoodDRIVER, too.
Maxwell @ Halsted St. Blues upon a time, It was. SkyKRAPERS!! THU SEP 25 1997
Maxwell @ Halsted St. Blues upon a time, It was. SkyKRAPERS!! THU SEP 25 1997

ChicagoKONNECTION GiftedPIX by K&M.Yamamoto from Chicago AtaFuTaWEB StonesISSUE

Cold & WindyNITE Hot & FantastisSHOW A GreatFIRE @CHICAGO @ Kazu's QV-70

Shun Kikuta [菊田俊介] Page ; A Lotta Thanks for Shun & JW for Taking Care of us.

My Friend K&M Yamamoto's Chicago ATaFuTa NiKKi
HI!! KAZU&MIYAKO,シカゴで 会えて嬉しかったよ。コンタクトが続いていることがさらに嬉しいです。あなた方は最高にハッピーでハイパーなカップルです。いつもアタフタ仲良くね。
My Friend Tatsu Aoki's HomePAGE

We had a GoodTIME @Bop Shop-A Nice Rockin' Jazz Club @Wabashi+S11th St. on 28 Sept 97

Sheena + Makoto Thanks for CHICAGO and These following friends and Shops;

Bob Gruen, Mike Koshitani, Mr.Takagi from Toshiba-EMI, Mr.Ariga the Photographer, Gaku Torii, Shunsuke Kikuta, J.W Williams, Motoaki Makino, Kenji Oda, Tatsu Aoki, K & Miyako Yamamoto, Leroy, Tim, Dave, B.L.U.E.S, BLUES Etcetra, Kingston Mines, Buddy Guy's Legends, Bop Shop, Ann Sather's Restaulant and The Congress Hotel.

And もちろん for The Rolling Stones.


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